Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's a drink order, a conversation starter, or a cry for help. Did you know one piece of jewelry could do all that? I named this set of silver necklaces after myself not to be narcissistic but because they, via my twisted sense of humor, are my solace during my sobriety. Being a mom involves a lot of sacrifices and while you are with child or nursing a child, a mommy's determination to protect is sometimes in direct opposition with certain hedonistic desires like:

VODKA - it goes with everything: pineapple juice, Red Bull, or even an orange ruffled halter top.

BOURBON - bourbon and I had to learn to be friends. I always feel Southern drinking it, like I should speak with a drawl and declare that I have the vapors or something...which may be why people have stopped serving me bourbon. An interesting fact about bourbon that you may not know: the barrels used by the Jameson Whiskey Distillery are recycled bourbon barrels from America. So, there's a hint of bourbon in that Irish whiskey you are drinking.

- on the contrary, Gin and I are old friends. It is what I crave most. For all you Twilight fans, if I were Edward, Gin would be my Bella blood. Icy cold with a whisper of vermouth and three green olives. That would be my martini. Alfred Hitchcock's recipe calls for five parts gin and a quick glance at a bottle of vermouth. While Winston Churchill adds gin and mere bow in the direction of France. The point is that it's all about the gin. It doesn't even have to be in a martini glass, serve it to me in a mason jar and I will be quite content. I miss you gin.

- one of the first lessons I learned in law school was that lawyers drink scotch. And unfortunately, that's all I remember.

So ladies, be bold, be wild, and be responsible: have a drink for me, I still have a ways to go.

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