Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have a lot of stories about my sister Robin, some of which I know I'm not supposed to share. While she may be embarrassed by this story, I think it shows how a belief in yourself and optimism can make anything happen.
Years ago, I had a flock of zebra finches. By "flock" I mean 16 finches that started as a gift of two. To clean the cage, I would let them loose in a closed room and they would fly around, stretch their wings, and land on the house plants. Miraculously, they would eventually fly back into the birdcage to roost in their little basket nests at night. However, on this occasion one rogue zebra finch would not return to her home and I was distressed something might happen to her while on the loose. She was out of the cage for three days when my sister came over to offer her help. I asked, "What are you going to do that I haven't already tried?" Her response, "Well, my name is Robin and that's a bird so maybe she'll just come to me." I could not contain my reaction to her explanation. I threw myself against the wall in fits of laughter and ended up rolling on the floor with side cramps. The woman was well into her 20's and this kind irrational hopeful thinking usually does not survive past the innocence of childhood. And yet, as I lay on the floor trying to compose myself, my sister extended her right hand over her head, held out her index finger, and closed her eyes. I kid you not, the little rogue zebra finch perched herself on my sister's finger. Robin took her other hand and gently enclosed the bird in her fist before placing in back into the birdcage with the rest of the little bird family.
This wood bead necklace is for her. The heart falls a little askew and off-center (as it sometimes should) and is decorated with the tiniest hummingbird. I've also included her own set of wings to be used as needed.

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