Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Garlic noodles at Crustacean: to eat them is to fall in love with them. How deep is that love? Well lets just say that after I die, I request that my internal organs be replaced with Crustacean's garlic noodles. I want to braid them in my hair and have the noodles fall around my shoulders as if I were a Pre-Raphaelite goddess emerging from a divine slumber. I want to wind them around my fingers and toes and have my lover sensuously suck them off before I kiss him in garlic-noodley passion. I want to string them in the eyelets of thigh high boots and walk around the earth surviving only off the sustenance of my garlic noodle laces. Yes, they are that good.
So, thank you executive chef of Crustacean, Helene An, for your delicious garlic noodles. I feel odd using the word "delicious" because it seems so pedestrian. The delight and joy that they bring to the mouth is beyond mere words. You inspired me to make these earrings, a little Asian fusion with carved red coral and German glass beads accented by the luster of tiny golden cubes.

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