Monday, September 7, 2009

Mari Paz

There were periods in history when women in Spain were totally prohibited from bullfighting. The contest between matador and bull is one of art and death and today still reserved, if not just culturally, for men. However, Mari Paz Vega is one of the very few professional female bullfighters in Spain. She succeeded where her brothers could not, yet it is doubtful that the bulls she faces in the ring give her deference for her gender. Despite your or my views about the humaneness of bullfighting, Mari Paz is an inspiration. She has supreme respect for the animals she kills and acknowledges, "Without the bull, I am nothing. Nothing."
The matador costume is called a "suit of lights" it is ornate and elegant, fitted more for the art of the dance rather than the ultimate bloody task. These long dangles are made to move like Mari Paz; elegant, dramatic, yet with fierceness of a real contender.

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