Monday, May 10, 2010

Sr. Joan Marie

My fifth grade world was ruled by the "Iron Habit" a.k.a. Sister Joan Marie. As harmless as I appeared in a green and white plaid uniform pinafore, I seemed to be in constant trouble in Sr. Joan Marie's class. Some of my most serious offenses: 1.) sneaking a library book about chimpanzees into the girls' bathroom and forgetting to return to the classroom and 2.) copying gross words like "hemorrhoid" out of the dictionary. She was a stern disciplinarian but fair. For example: if you were playing kick-ball in front of the convent garage and she came roaring through the parking lot in her behemoth sedan, she would give you the courtesy of exactly one blaring honk before you better get your plaid-a$$ out of dodge.
She was an "old school" nun even back in my day and taught her students to fear Satan. She said that if you ever see him coming around the corner you should say "Jesus, Mary, Joseph!" and pray the "Hail Mary" every day. Well, maybe this necklace will offer a little more protection. It is a wooden tile painted white and bearing a transferred image of the Holy Mother. Iridescent turquoise glass beads, cobalt blue wooden beads, and vintage silver tone rosary beads hang amidst wired layers of white stone chips.

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