Monday, December 14, 2009


Mabel is the second eldest of my husband's four sisters. She is a consummate optimist and has the amazing ability to make something miraculous out of what ordinary people would call nothing. Two examples: 1.) When we were only at the dating stage, she asked my husband and I to be the godparents of her daughter. Usually you would ask a more confirmed couple for such a commitment but her rationale was, "They are going to get married anyway." We eventually did, of course. and 2.) There is a family portrait on my mother-in-law's wall, circa 1985, Mabel and her sisters have yellow daisies tucked behind each of their left ears. The story is that Mabel picked the flowers in the parking lot of the photography studio right before they walked in for their appointment. She made her sisters wear the parking-lot-daisies and the result of her efforts is the most endearing, precious family portrait ever.
Mabel had four children before her 30th birthday, which was a couple of days ago. These earrings are for her. I've had these purple square stones forever and I've been waiting for the right inspiration so that I could do something special with them. Wouldn't you know, it wasn't until I was trying to make something for Mabel's birthday that the clear glass beads and silver chains just fell into place, and they came out just perfect.

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