Wednesday, December 30, 2009


She is a high roller. She is luxury and she deserves it. She is the one who took me into Neiman Marcus on Union Square and walked in the place like it was her kitchen pantry (while I would normally be nervous and afraid I to leave fingerprints on the display tables). She also knows that good things come in an orange box. (If you don't know what that means, don't worry, I didn't either until I met her.) She is the only one I know that owns a Birkin bag. And while she demands luxury, she saturates the rest of the world with her generosity. To be her friend is to be bathed in the golden light that is Jazmine's giving heart. Those around her know this best of all especially if they have attended one of her ultra fabulous parties (nothing less than VIP treatment). While I am in that golden light, my confidence is miracuoulsly bolstered and doors seem just a bit more open. She calls it positive thinking, not being spoiled, a life lesson that is more valuable that anything that comes in an orange box. This was my gift to her. Pearls, of course, big ones (small pearls are inconceivable to Jazmine) on a gold chain with exactly '09 links.

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