Friday, February 26, 2010


Shhhhh! I think I have a girl crush. I love everything about J.R. Firstly, she effortlessly plays this indie-rocker-chick vibe that is just insanely enchanting: ballet flats, skinny jeans, black eyeliner, and feathered headbands. Very fashionable and very trendy but the way she wears it, you would think the trend originated with her. Secondly, I've never seen a day when her hair was not perfect. Even when it's messy, it's fantastic. In fact, I think it's better when it's messy.Thirdly, she has done the impossible and made karaoke cool in my book with her side of a duet of the best rendition of Endless Love that I have ever heard. (No offense to Ms. Ross.) Fourthly, she's wicked smart and has intentions to change the world for the better. Last summer, she flew to France for an internship with the International Human Rights Council. She sent back super chic, black-and-white artsy pictures of her being very European like riding a bicycle through the streets of Strasbourg in a skirt. This list goes on but I think the most fascinating thing is that she is actually my friend. I don't even think she knows how star-struck I feel around her. I was afraid to tell her because I thought it might make things a bit awkward. For instance, there was this time we were up in the city celebrating when I went outside to get some relief from the hot party air and I saw her with a cigarette. I normally do not condone this type of behavior in other people but she was just so beautiful haloed in streetlight illuminated smoke, that I "bummed" a cancer-stick off another friend and started smoking too. She made a comment, while still complimentary, amounted to the effect that it was very strange that I should have a cigarette in my hand. Color me caught in the act! I shall never smoke again. These earrings are my abstract of J.R.'s smokey halo. Three gray glass teardrops ever so slightly prismatic that are angled on silver circles so they flitter in response to her motion. I gave them to J.R. for her birthday on her last night in San Francisco. She lives in New York now. *Sigh*

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